Creating Bridges by being invited in
Join us in worship this Sunday, online and in person at 10:10am
Welcome to Worship!
As a quick note. We’ve had issues getting our streaming right the last couple of weeks, I think I’ve got that fixed now, so everything should be back up in its normal places.
This Sunday we’re continuing a series on creating bridges and how to navigate times of change and transition. As a part of that change, take a look at the announcement below.
We have scheduled an onboarding meeting for the church and Pastor Joe Cuminale. The meeting is scheduled for June 4 at 6 pm and will last approximately 3 hours. We would like a large part of the congregation to attend as it helps both the church and Pastor Joe in the transition. Finger food will be provided. If you have questions, please contact Andrea Vandeloecht.
This Sunday
How should we witness to our faith? What does that even mean? Being a witness is much more than just “witnessing” to others. It is how we live our lives and invite others into God’s love.
You can join us in person or online, either on Facebook or YouTube.
You can find links to our YouTube Channel for, previous services, worship music, and a Spotify playlist for more music.
Below is a bulletin for our worship service.
Welcome & Prayer
Shine your light in us, through us, over us.
May we make a difference in this world,
for your glory and purposes. Amen
Ministry Opportunities
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Call to Worship: Psalm 65
Hymn: We Are the Church - UMH 558
Children’s Message
The Offering: Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, Witness
Pastoral Prayer, Lord’s Prayer
Offertory Prayer
Scripture Reading: Luke 24:44-49
Hymn: Surely the Presence of the Lord - UMH 328
Message: Invited In
Hymn: Every Time I Feel the Spirit - UMH 404