Its the 3rd Sunday in Lent, and it promises to be a toe stomping good time
Join us in worship this Sunday, online and in person at 10:10am
Welcome to Worship!
After worship we’re having lunch! Its in celebration of Pastor Appreciation month, and meat will be provided. Bring a side and/or a dessert to share in the meal (or just come on out) everyone is welcome.
Then, join us Sunday morning at 10:10am for worship online and in person. We’re continuing on our journey to Eden, and working to restore that relationship that we had with God. This morning we get stuck in the same way that we always get stuck, so we’re looking for the next direction to go.
Come join us for worship in person and online at 10:10am.
You can join us in person or online, either on Facebook or YouTube.
You can find links to our YouTube Channel for, previous services, worship music, and a Spotify playlist for more music.
Below is a bulletin for our worship service.
Gathering Prayer
Lord I go with you, I am safe with you. I do not travel alone, For your hand is upon me, Your protection is divine. Besides, in front and behind You encircle my life, For I am yours, and you are mine. Amen
Announcements & Ministry Opportunities
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Call to Worship – Psalm 95
Opening Prayer
Hymn – A Charge to Keep I Have – UMH 413
Children’s Message
The Offering: Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, Witness
As people of faith, we share who we are with each other. Below I invite you to share your joys and concerns, your prayer requests, and your offerings.
You can give online, and you can share your prayer concerns in the comments or by replying to this email.
Take some time for some personal prayer, and take some time to give.
After the personal prayer, I'll say a prayer, and then please join in saying the Lord's Prayer
Scripture Reading – Exodus 17:1-7
Hymn – Rock of Ages – 361
Message – Stewing
Hymn – Jesus, Lover of My Soul – UMH 479