Kids Christmas Program and March to the Manger Sunday!
Join us in worship this Sunday, online and in person at 10:10am
Welcome to Worship!
This is the Sunday!!! Its the Kids Christmas program and March to the Manger Sunday! Don’t forget its also Cookie Sunday.
The Kids and youth will practice at 9am, and then worship will be at 10:10am. Bring your cookies too! Come and swap them, or take some for a donation to our Christmas giving.
We’ll also be collecting our special offering for Mozambique. Even if you miss it, you still donate to Mozambique through the rest of Advent and the Christmas Season.
After worship we’ll have brunch, so stay after and enjoy the day 😀
You can join us in person or online, either on Facebook or YouTube.
You can find links to our YouTube Channel for, previous services, worship music, and a Spotify playlist for more music.
Below is a bulletin for our worship service.
Welcome & Prayer
God of Love, your son, is your greatest gift to us. He is a sign of your love. Help us walk in that love during these weeks of Advent, Amen
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Advent Candle Reading
The Offering: Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, Witness
Pastoral Prayer, Lord’s Prayer
Offertory Prayer
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:1-21
Message: The Christmas Story
Special Music: Crystal Bells
March to the Manger
Away in a Manger—UMH 217